
What The Truck, Edmonton Alberta


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Park with lots of people and view of tall buildings

What The Truck was a local event held here in Edmonton last Friday, one that I was eager to check out with Mr Magpie and the littles. The point was to round up some of the great food trucks we have here, put them all in one venue, spin the tunes and get people out to eat, visit, finally meet each other (lots of Twitter peeps to meet) and generally rejoice in the fact that you didn’t have to make supper for your family.

Ok, perhaps it was only myself that was excited about that last bit.

It was held at Beaver Hills House Park, which is located at 105 Street & Jasper Avenue and in my opinion a pretty good place to have it. Adjoining the pictures you see below is an actual park area with benches, a pond, grass, lots of areas for my kids to wander without me freaking out that they were going to go and get run over by the wild Edmonton drivers along Jasper Ave. They were contained like the little zoo animals they are and had a blast of course.

lots of people at the park

It got really busy and I heard at one point that two vendors sold out, but that reinforcements were on the way! We went early, shortly after 4:30 and it was the perfect time. Line-ups were manageable with two small impatient parents children, they had plenty of food and there was space.

I finally got to meet Sharon who did the lovely article on me and her partner in crime Mack , who were the masterminds behind this event. They had attended a street food festival in San Francisco and wanted Edmonton to have the same opportunity to celebrate an underrated food and What The Truck was born.

More trucks could have been fit in and let me tell you; if you are a local Edmontonian, have a food truck and didn’t participate, more the fool you. I would get on this bandwagon and fast.  The next one is going to even bigger, with people reading all the media on it and now eagerly waiting for the next one.

busy people at the park

When standing in line for a pretzel, I noticed theĀ  OMG!Ā  Mini Donuts at Carnival Cravings.

Holy motherload Batman.

Chocolate sauce, peanut butter and whipped cream over mini donuts.

For reals.

You cannot possibly fathom how delicious this tasted. Hot, steaming mini doughnuts covered in all that is awesome in this world.

Chocolate sauce, peanut butter and whipped cream over mini donuts

The pretzels from Carnival Cravings were also amazing, the real lemonade one of my favorite treats and the waffles from the Evasweet waffle truck were delicious as always.

I discovered a love for the Brigā€™s BLT with a ā€œCā€ Crepe from The Fork and Spoon Brigade. Who knew a crepe could be so savory? Filled to the brim with the best crisp, green lettuce, perfectly done bacon and tomato, I am heading back to the City Market one 104th to try this again.  The few bites I had sharing with Mr Magpie were simply just a tease.

I don’t have any pictures unfortunately, at that point I was herding 4 children and begging my two to stop teaching Kevin’s kids any more bad behaviors and to stop acting like feral children who have never been in the city before.

We started to leave when my bottomless pit son decided to tell us that once again, he was staaaarving,  so so staaarving, so we grabbed him the veggie pizza from Funky Pickle.

a kid enjoying a large size of pizza

While eating it in the van on the way home, he exultantly professed:

“This was the BEST DAY EVER!”

From your lips to the organizers ears, son.

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are all at home enjoying your families, baking up goodies and enjoying the day off.


When’s The Next Whatthetruck??  Magpie

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Karlynn says

    Twitter is not my favorite, I must admit. I like to talk and being limited type-wise really irks me! However, for finding out what’s going on in Edmonton, it’s an invaluable resource. The rest just kinda irritates me…pictures without REAL stories or posts, these little “snapshots” instead of people remembering how to actually write!

  2. Mindy Tindall says

    I need to join the 21st century and get hooked up with the tweeting so I can find out about these things. I got a BlackBerry a week ago and feel like the most technologically inept person on earth.

  3. Mindy Tindall says

    Never even heard of it. Wish I had. Sounds like a great time.

  4. Sharon says

    Thanks for coming, Karlynn! Glad the Little Magpies enjoyed themselves :). And no doubt, if we had more room in the park, we would have had more trucks…but there’s always next time!

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