
Trying Out the New Nature Valley™ Protein Soft Baked Granola Bites a $50 Visa Giftcard Giveaway!

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Packs of New Nature Valley Protein Soft Baked Granola Bites

I love when I get a stellar opportunity to work with companies whose products have graced my pantry shelves for years already. We are huge fans of the company Nature Valley™, so when the chance came up to try out their new products and share them all with you here, I was in like Flynn.

Did you guys know that I research products before I ever agree to review them here on the website? It’s a 100% true fact. I won’t ever share anything here on my website that I wouldn’t and don’t feed my own kids. You would be very surprised at what – and how many things- I have turned down, simply because it’s not a product we eat/use in our house. Something to always keep in mind when you are enjoying my posts, I will always keep it true to life.

Now, don’t let the secret out, but the real reason that I was so happy to partner with Nature Valley is that they were going to send me a box of delicious snacks at the best possible time ever. As most of you already know I’m in the middle of finishing up the photography for my cookbook and things like getting the kids ready for school in the morning are falling to the wayside. Our mornings are crazy. It doesn’t help that Mike is off traveling a lot before Christmas, so not only am I working on my cookbook, I am in charge of everything to do with parenting. He chose a really great time to travel, didn’t he? Harrrumph.

I digress as usual, however when you add up everything you guys can see why I would be so happy to try out some new time-saving snacks this month.

The first of two products that they sent me were the Nature Valley™ Protein Soft Baked Granola Bites. One of the main reasons that Nature Valley products are a staple in my house is the lack of corn syrup and the high protein that most of their products have. I’m sure that I’ve ranted before about how before my son still isn’t much of a meat eater, so I am constantly on the look out for healthier quick hits of much-needed protein for him. Nature Valley Granola Bites have no artificial flavors or colors, no trans fats and no high fructose corn syrup, making them a breakfast snack choice that I’m happy with. Did I mention the 7 grams of protein in one serving? Score. To check out the two types and their nutritional information, click here for the Blueberry Almond and here for the Honey Almond

This chilly fall morning was the morning I cracked open the two different flavors, Blueberry Almond and Honey Almond. It was Monday. Mondays are always super busy but this one more so with the addition of out of town guests and a large family gather the previous days. We were not prepared at all.

Mr K happily grabbed three bites as a quick breakfast snack for the car ride to school.

boy with his backpack eating Soft Baked Granola Bites

I’d like to pause for a moment here and just say that since when is my baby in junior high? How did this happen? Where did the last 12 years go? How is it that I am rushing out to door and taking my firstborn to junior high?

Oh my word, my heart just can’t take how fast they are growing up. And my bank account can’t keep up with his enormous almost-teenager appetite.

close up of a boy wearing eye glasses

The Rose surprised me with grabbing the almond honey flavor as her choice this morning as she is usually a blueberry fiend. She is also very picky, so I was honestly surprised that she likes these, but they are a really nice soft baked granola, with just a hint of crunch to them. Her teeth are bothering her lately thanks to having a baby tooth pulled and these soft bites are perfect for anyone like her that finds granola too hard to chew. So that includes kids that have lost teeth, you mom’s know exactly what I’m talking about!

She looks so tired, most likely because she had a two night sleepover with her cousin this past weekend. I was crazy to have said yes, but she hasn’t seen her cousin in a while so they spent the whole weekend together. She didn’t really feel like eating much because she was exhausted, so I’m glad that she ate a couple, they will help keep her full until lunch with all that protein.

young girl with her pink backpack, holding Nature Valley Granola Bites

And me? I ate the Nature Valley Granola Bites for breakfast too and I love the blueberry. I dropped the kids off at school, spent an hour photographing various things for my book and then popped out for a few hours to thrift some more photo props. I have never been a big breakfast eater so this is perfect. I’m a brunch girl, I usually can’t really eat until 10 or 11 o’clock comes around, I have no interest. Is it just me that gets this way? I can have a coffee and nothing else for hours, however that isn’t the healthiest thing to do, so I try to have a breakfast snack.

Funny enough I was just telling my friend the other day how I am craving protein lately. I am sure that it’s my body’s way of making up for all those little sweet tastes throughout the day for my cookbook recipes. The Nature Valley Granola Bites were amazing to throw into my purse and go when I wanted to thrift this morning.

If you want to learn more about the products you can visit the Nature Valley website, check out their Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram as well.

Have a fabulous week everyone! How are you all dealing with back to school lately? Are you settling into a routine yet or is it like me, and still chaos? Oh, to have this cookbook done so I can get into a better routine.

Who am I kidding, that will never happen.

Love you more than chocolate!


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Nature Valley . The opinions and text are all mine.

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Karlynn Johnston

I’m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. birdiebee52 says

    My favorite breakfast is some type of quiche. 

  2. Betsy R Barnes says

    My favorite breakfast, scrambled eggs with cheese, toasted bagel and fresh fruit 🙂

  3. emu839 says

    Pancakes with a sprinkle of shredded apple & cinnamon. A handful of Granola on the pancake – truly delicious.

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