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The Hoover Dam Signage and Logo

On our Epic Journey, as I have now come to call it, we had to make our way from Las Vegas to Phoenix, where my parents are staying for the winter. The Hoover Dam happens to be right off of the major highway that takes you there, so of course, knowing that we leave no tourist spot unexplored, we had to stop and take the kids.

The Hoover Dam is beyond beautiful.

The Beautiful View of Hoover Dam

Which is hard to appreciate when your eyes are closed. I’d know. I tried to view the entire thing through closed eyelids but soon found out that it didn’t quite work that way. Plus, I could walk right over the edge and plummet to a horrifying death. Just sayin’.

close up groupie with mom and her kids with the Hoover Dam as background

The chicken, of course, is me. I want to clear this up right away, there are no chickens at the famous Hoover Dam, excepting the moment when I visited with the kids. OH EM GEE. I’m so scared of heights people.

Visiting the Hoover Dam made me super mom, I’m just saying. Fake it so your kids don’t know you are terrified.

mom and her kids with the Hoover Dam on background

The kids wouldn’t stop running around and exploring.

“Water fountains! ON A DAM!!! What will they think of next!”

I would like to ask that next time you build a dam and turn it into a tourist attraction, you put the women’s washrooms on the CLOSEST side to the parking lot.

A man totally designed this, obviously, as women have to literally walk to the other side of the dam to use the ladies room.

Road trip bladder + scared of heights = long walk of terror to the washrooms.

kids on the drinking fountain in the The Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam is a magnificent place to visit and if you are travelling by or staying in Vegas, you should see it at least once, even if you are afraid of heights like me.

It’s not that bad. You can cringe over to the side away from the edge and weep silently.

dad and his kids with the Hoover Dam on background

Or take it LIKE A BOSS and take pictures with your kids. That’s my kids favorite saying right now.

I’m totally boss. Hey, wasn’t that already a saying? Phht. These kids think they invented everything.

I feel old.

mom and her kids with the Hoover Dam on background

The very best part (insert dripping sarcasm here) was realizing that once you are done at the Hoover Dam, that this bridge isn’t just for looks. You have to get into your truck and drive over it on the way to Phoenix.

Words cannot describe people. It’s almost better not knowing what you are driving over.

View of the Hoover Dam

You are probably wondering how on earth I took pictures, aren’t you? It’s a long process.

First, I have to make sure no one is around me. Seriously. I cannot have people around me when I am at the edge of something high. Not Mike, the kids, no one. This comes from those jackholes in your younger years who thought it was funny to scare the Bejesus out of you by coming up behind you and shaking your shoulders to scare you. Now, I seriously get shivers up my spine of terror if someone is near me when I am somewhere high.

Then, when no one is around me I literally have to shuffle slowly to the edge. The above picture had me leaning on the actual ledge at the dam, taking the picture.

Once I am steady and behind my lens, it’s ok. But if you could see me…..oh, you’d laugh. I look ridiculous.

BUT I got my pictures.

However, my panic didn’t really go unnoticed. My children apparently think it’s hilarious and are eager to share it with their teachers. My daughter wrote this in her journal today :

A kids journal written in a piece of paper

So Super Mom took her kids to the Hoover Dam and took her pictures LIKE A BOSS and I don’t ever, ever have to repeat that experience again.

However, the Grand Canyon is on their travel wish list now.


Love, Karlynn

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. ScaredyKat says

    ….. Oops. Sorry! My comment took off, LOL! I just meant to end with this: I stayed about 10 feet away from the edge, but all in all, did not find the Grand Canyon anywhere near as stressful as Hoover Dam! I sat and chatted with another visitor who admitted to the same problem with fear of heights! I felt somewhat vindicated! We CHICKENS are not ALONE!

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @ScaredyKat  We chickens have to stick together! 

  2. ScaredyKat says

    I feel vindicated! I have always been TERRIFIED of heights! We went to the Hoover Dam last year and, beautiful as it was, I HATED every minute of it! I kept my eyes completely shut so much I hardly saw any of it! At times I literally wept with fear. I probably spoiled the whole day for my husband but I didn’t mean to. I cannot help that I feel this way. It’s not something I can control. I was TERRIFIED! And on the way out, I realized we would have to drive across that huge high span that I had been viewing with dismay…well, suffice to say, my eyes were used shut! I was so glad to be out of there finally….what a shame, isn’t it? You were a lot braver than me…good for you!

    On the humorous side, guess where we went from there? Yup..THE GRAND CANYON! Take my word for it…it wasn’t nearly as bad as Hoover Dam. The drops taper off gently. I actually went up close (without looking) to have my photo taken..but mostly so stayed at least 10 Feetvawsy from the edge

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @ScaredyKat  The things we do for our families, I tell you! Only another scaredy cat would understand the sacrifice lol! 

  3. The Kitchen Magpie says

    Yah. It was slightly terrifying. Like lots.

  4. Pamela Marriott says

    Bwahahahaha with ya sister. I would pee my panties

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