
On The Good Friday Menu

Cinnamon Buns in muffin tins

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Cinnamon Buns in muffin tins

Seems that last year I did the same type of post as this one. Easter weekend is so relaxed for us, not the big to-do that Christmas is, yet still a weekend full of food ,family ,chocolate, fun, chocolate and some alcohol thrown in for good measure.

Did I mention chocolate? Just checkin’.

Today is our Easter meal as I work this weekend, I didn’t bother to take the time off as the important part is watching the kids hunt for Easter eggs and indulge in mountains of chocolate.

Then I leave them with my husband and go to what will be a quiet workplace, chat with my co-workers and generally enjoy myself.

You see how evil and awesome this plan is? Chocolate high kids = mommy goes into work.


So today my brother is coming over as I do not work and have the time to make a dinner.

On the menu:

Breakfast is the Fast N Cheaty Cinnamon Buns you see above.

Lunch is Babka, with some scrambled eggs and chives from my garden. Yes, the chives are out baby!

Babka with some scrambled eggs and chives

Dinner, oh the dinner.

Prime Rib.


If you want to know how to make a prime rib, click that bolded print to the left. No spices. Just butter and beautiful beef. Just as God intended, folks.

Roasted potatoes, drizzled with olive oil, sea salt and nothing else save their nekkid skins.


Grilled aspargus and garlic.

Corn on the cob.

And ice cream cookie sandwiches that Superstore made. Yes. I copped out completely. Part of being a good cook is knowing when to just throw your hands up and give up on something before you hate cooking. That would be me and the cookies today. I would love to say I am whipping up some fantastic dessert, but we want to take the kids to a movie and not fuss over dinner. And yes, everything above is non-fussable, believe it or not. Simple and fantastic.

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic long weekend, that the Easter bunny hops your way and leaves your children mounds of chocolate and the ensuing sugar tantrums galore.

And since I am not doing an Easter Dinner, pray tell, what is everyone having this weekend?

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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