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two women talking in the kitchen

Today’s Pie Day brings you a pie recipe presented the traditional way.You’re not actually going to get a recipe today because you are going to have to wait until October 31st- Halloween Day- and pick up a copy of the Edmonton Journal to see what concoction I came up with this week.

What could be more traditional than a recipe printed in a local newspaper?

If you are familiar with the Edmonton food community, then you certainly don’t need me to introduce my friend Liane Faulder, who writes for the Edmonton Journal. Indeed, her blog  Eat My Words is one of the most popular in Edmonton, having won several awards and is read by every avid Edmonton foodie.

She gave me a call asking if I would like to do a Halloween feature for her, whip up something with my kids and have a photographer come to document it and then gab with her for a while about the recipe and everything else.

Since I have been such an incredible slacker the past few weeks with my recipes and especially with Halloween ones, I thanked her for getting my butt in gear and told her to come on over.

I also told her that I highly suspected that her ulterior motive was treats from my kitchen. (Don’t worry, I sent her & the photographer home with a care package of my Reese’s Peanut Butter Cookies. There has to be some perks to being friends with a food blogger).

woman in the table writing something

Poor Liane came in the midst of my son feeling rotten, laying on the couch with a tummy ache in tears,  Root Beer barking like a fool and general chaos.

Welcome to my life. Oy.

Luckily Mike came home and to the rescue and we managed to get our chatting done, pictures taken by Mike and a calmed down son, who apparently just needed Daddy to settle him down because Mom always just wants to run him to Peds emerg whenever he’s feeling really rotten.

I like to panic.

woman wearing a kitchen apron and holding a pot

So look for the article on Halloween Day in the Food section of the Journal. I am so very excited to see the pictures of the kids creating one part of the pie and was thrilled to come up with a family friendly recipe for everyone to try out. The pie is simple to make yet so decadent and the topping is creative, fun and leaves leftovers that the kids can create with. What could be better?

So because I don’t want to “scoop” Liane’s story – yet spent the week perfecting this one pie and topping- you only get a little story today with pictures about the pie and no recipe.

Happy PieDay everyone! Today finds me cleaning the house for my annual Halloween Open House tomorrow, baking up a storm, making a grocery list and then we are off to the kids Halloween school dance tonight.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Carol says

    I am from Alberta originally (great old Lamont!, ever been out that way?) I have however been living in Newfoundland the last 6 years and do miss the Edmonton Journal !Would it be possible to get you to share what was published, since I have no way to find out other than this.

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