
It’s A Bird…It’s a Plane..

huge flying dragon kite

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huge flying dragon kite

..or it’s a freaking huge flying dragon that’s gonna gobble up your children, eat the poor fat farm horse for dessert  and burn down your barn with his fierce, fiery breath. Run for cover!

Or mayhaps it’s the huge kite that my dad picked up for the grandkids this past winter, hoarding it silently until the time was right. Until the wind was up, the children were out and the mosquitoes bugged off.

Ok, I lied about the mosquitoes. They never bug off.

But we did visit for the weekend and there is nothing this man likes to do than entertain his grandchildren. We like to tease my mom about her shopping habits but I do believe that since the invention of Kijiji, my dad is giving her a decided run for her money.

He stalks it almost daily, I am sure, pouncing upon the deals he spots and squirreling them away for just the right moment.

We’re glad he’s keeping busy in his retirement. I want to retire. It looks like so much fun.

Wait, don’t I have to work before I retire? I might have this whole stay at home mom thing backwards.

man holding the string of huge kite

Mr K was more than happy to learn how to fly this monster with Papa showing him the ropes.

a kid being teach by a man on how to fly a kite

I don’t know the entire length of the dragon but it is definitely a kite that dreams are made of for little boys and girls. More so the little boy in the family.

huge kite flying so high

The Princess preferred to hang around Molly, four legged friends are more her type than fire breathing reptilian beasts of myth.

Furry, four legs and slobber.

That’s more her style.

Each to their own, my littlest heart, each to their own.

little girl holding a black dog

I hope everyone enjoys the sunny weekend that is coming our way here in Edmonton! Hit up the farmers markets, play outside with the kids and get those bbq’s a grillin’!

We have our first official walk-through of our house tomorrow morning to inspect the framing and I can’t wait, I am worse than a kid at Christmas right about now.  Of course there will be another blog post about it so stay tuned!

Happy Friday everyone!



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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Judy says

    That is one awesome kite! I bet your dad really looks forward to your visits!

    • Karlynn says

      He does, he’s pretty great with the kids, they adore him. Who wouldn’t, just look at that kite šŸ˜‰

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