
Indeed, You Smarty Pants

close up of a lobster rug

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close up of a lobster rug

Indeed, What Is It? Wednesday IS the lobster rug. My husband wins Husband of the Year award for this one, no doubt about it. I am going to save a place on the new fireplace mantle just for his trophy. He ordered it, figured out how to get it sent to his hotel while he was in Anaheim and toted it through the airport to bring it home to mama.  If I didn’t love him before, I would now. Seeing how he’s already my favorite guy, I’ll just be extra nice and do the dishes for a couple of weeks.

Or you know, unpack the entire house by myself while everyone is at school/work. That might be enough repayment. Maybe.

So. We are in.

The kids rooms are done, blinds installed in the rooms that were a necessity-no use scarring the new neighbors, right?- the TV room is done and the kitchen is unpacked. The kitchen was the first thing on Saturday, right when we moved. First you need to eat, then you need to sleep. Kitchen then beds.

I also have my beautiful lobster rug in my main floor sitting room. Sitting room? Living room? Reading room? The No TV room?

The Empty Room.

I might need some furniture.

lobster rug on the floor

I had asked for some design ideas on my Facebook page and received a few great ones in my comments, but the lovely lady who writes  NanaBread  went all out and sent me this:

furniture photos for a room

Ohhh. Niiiice. She went all out with the interior decorating planning. I love the greys…and those green lamps are literally to die for. They look like big green apples.

I have this crazy thought swirling around my head that just won’t leave. I’ll tell you what it is but you must promise not to judge my sanity based on my color choices, deal?

Blue couches.

Turquoise, in fact.

I am obsessing over getting blue furniture in there. Not dark blue. Not baby blue. Turquoise.

There IS blue in that lobster rug.

But then…I also love green. My daughter’s room is done in a beautiful green that matches the yellow so well, just like those lamps in that picture above.

Ikea makes great green couches.

But the grey….but I don’t think grey matches my lobster rug now.

I am going to have to make a decision soon. The Christmas dinner/family gathering this year is being held at our house and we’re going to need somewhere to sit and visit.

So feel free to send on your design ideas. It was so much fun to see what NanaBread whipped up and put on Flickr for me. Design a room if you want and send me the picture or link.

I promise I will get a recipe up very soon. It was hard for me to sit down and write-up this post, there are boxes staring at the back of my head, just waiting to get unpacked.  Taking 20 minutes to write a quick post feels like a sin.

Especially since we can’t even park in our new garage since it’s full of boxes.

I might just be found under a mountain of boxes at the end of the day, drinking water from the fish tank to stay alive.


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. NanaBread (Jeanne) says

    How cool! I just saw this post for the first time. We left for a 3-week trip the day you posted this, so I totally missed it. I’m so happy you liked the room ideas enough to post it. Very cool. After reading your post, I agree with the turquoise sofas. A nice pastel to medium shade that goes with your rug. I think it would look great with your lobster rug (which I LOVE) and your yellow walls.

    And now that I’ve typed all this, I’m going to run back through your posts and see if you already bought furniture. ;-p

  2. Mike Johnston says

    Hey! You didn’t tell me I won Husband of the Year. I had an acceptance speech all ready to go… I guess instead of a speech, I’ll do laundry all week instead.

  3. K.D. says

    Teal couches. There must be a blue in those gorgeous chairs NanaBread picked for you? I am loving those curtains too. Love your yellow walls and dark floors. You must be so happy to be in your new home!

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