How To Make A White Leprechaun Cocktail! This popular Kahlua cocktail is so easy to make – and not just around St Patrick’s Day, this should be enjoyed year round!

How To Make A White Leprechaun Cocktail
I can hear you all saying “Make a wha?” and scratching your heads. Don’t worry, I had no idea what a white leprechaun was until a few weeks ago either. All I wanted was a drink that had whiskey and Kahlua in it. I bowed down and asked the Almighty Google…. and was given recipes for White Leprechaun’s.Where have you been all my life, little leprechaun? Whilst you don’t have a pot of gold, there’s sure some yumminess in a glass for me to enjoy!
- 1 ounce whisky
- 1 ounce Kahlua
- 2 ounces half and half cream
- ice for a Boston Shaker
Combine all ingredients and either shake over ice in the Boston shaker and then strain into a glass OR if you are like me, just add ice to it.
Now seriously, this is my kind of drink. I almost always have whiskey in the house (if you want to be really authentic, go for a nice Irish one like Jameson whiskey) and Kahlua is a staple in my liquor cabinet. It’s almost too easy of a drink…no muss, no fuss, just sheer tasty goodness!
Happy drinking? Well, that doesn’t sound right. Happy Cocktail mixing?
That’s a wee bit better.
How To Make A White Leprechaun
- 1 ounce whisky
- 1 ounce Kahlua
- 2 ounces half and half cream
- Combine all ingredients and either shake over ice and then strain into a glass OR if you are like me, just add ice to it. Classy all the way, I am.
Denise says
I love the idea, and it works perfectly for today. Will Jack Daniels Whisky work for this cocktail?
Mr. Kitchen Magpie says
Should work fine!
Ray Calhoon says
In order for this to be truly an Irish drink, Irish whiskey must be used. Begging you to update your recipe.
Maudie says
Yummo! I used Bailey’s instead of Kahlua and added some Pepsi. Delish!
Rachel says
Thank you for this! I had only one shot of whiskey left and a lot more Kahlua so I googled if they could be mixed for a drink and found your recipe. I did not have the half and half but instead added some vanilla almond milk creamer and 1% milk. Reminds me of a mudslide in taste. Very good.
JC says
Hey!!! We use Bailey’s Kahlua and whiskey, equal parts, and call it a Sneaky Pete! So delicious but they sneak up on ya…………yummo!
Brian says
We do the same thing… call it Dancing Bear Naked.
Brooke Copper says
so good, prefer this over the white Russian cocktail with Vodka.
Diana says
I had not idea Kahlua or Jameson could taste any better! Combining the two is heaven!!
JP says
thank you very much. All I had was Kahlua and scotch Yumbo, what a krakka drink. Oh I always have cream in the fridge. Thanks heaps I love it.
cheryl stauty says
could someone anyone make that drink happen for me
Rosaline Linhart says
That is a definite make for me..
Nerys Jones says
Invite me down when you’re brewing\U0001f44d\U0001f606
Ida Pence Waterous says
My kind of coffee!
Wanda Tracey says
The white leprechan sounds like my kind of drink.Smooth and refreshing.
Nicole Ebbesen Rowan says
I will try it just for research purposes.
She Does Create says
I think The Spirited Thrifter would support that theory….
Jennifer Print says
YUMM!!! (and yes… i will admit to having one of these for breakfast!)
The Kitchen Magpie says
Atta girl 😉
The Kitchen Magpie says
And then you add whiskey….and it’s game over lol!
Jill Jensen Claphan says
Yummy!! You had me at Kahlua!
The Kitchen Magpie says
I did pop into the Cafe, very tasty indeed!!
She Does Create says
I will be at two markets this weekend! St. Albert Farmers’ Market and the French Quarter Fringe Market near Cafe Café Bicyclette Have you tried them yet? Yummy!