How to Cook Duck Eggs. If you are like me, you had to google that didn’t you? Read on how to find out the best way to cook duck eggs and why they are loaded with everything good for you!

The alternate title to this post was going to be My Children Are Weird, but then again almost every post on this site can be titled that. Why this time, you ask, am I slapping the weird label on my children? It would be their newly discovered love of duck eggs. I find myself fascinated day in and day out with their culinary choices, one likes spicy the other one has to have everything plain, the tall one hates the texture of meat, the short one is a ravenous carnivore.
They both discovered they love a good feast of duck eggs. Wouldn’t have pegged that one, at all. I thought my son would get all funny and refuse to try them and my daughter would run the other way. Newp. Loved them.
And I have been hearing about it for a week and a half since we ran out and I didn’t make it to the market to get any.
I had picked up some side Bacon from Serben, a rare commodity -though there is a rumor I clarified that he is butchering in the next week or so- and thus this jewel will be available soon.
I highly suggest you scoop it up whilst you can. It’s very sad when you run out if it.
Speaking of running out, I dropped by the city market on Saturday too dang late to pick up more eggs, he was sold out. The early bird gets the free range chicken eggs.
I hate that early bird.
On to the duck eggs. I have been meaning to pick some up for a while now, alternate protein sources are much sought after in this household and since my son eats eggs I was curious if I could introduce a new type.
This shows the size difference, though not as well as I would like. There is a large difference indeed, not just in the outside size.To set the record straight, my hands are prettier than my husbands. There was a full scale argument over whose hands looked better holding the duck eggs.
He won. Because he couldn’t take a decent picture of my hands with my new camera to save his soul. I tried to hold the eggs and then use a third arm to take the picture, but discovered that I didn’t have one. Who knew?
I would also like to bring to your attention that I do not have hairy arms like that. I think.I better double check my pictures and make sure, otherwise I am booking a waxing appointment STAT.
So moving past hands and eggs, look at the size of that yolk! You can definitely see a size difference, the yolks in duck eggs are huge compared to chicken egg yolks.
How do you cook duck eggs?
You cook duck eggs juso like chicken eggs except that two of them take up an entire frying pan, which usually fits 4 chicken eggs perfectly. To cook them, use butter in the frying pan, crack them in and steam them right away with a lid. They will take a while to cook and the whites are definitely a different texture than chicken egg whites. I guess the protein content is higher and contain twice the amount of iron and five times the amount of Vitamin B-12.
I also scrambled the duck eggs with rave reviews from the littles, who scarfed them back like there was no tomorrow. Again, simply scramble them like you would chicken eggs.
The yolk is richer as well as being larger which I think is why my son loves them so much, more for his toast to dip in. The texture of the whites didn’t seem to bother either child or us, and I really liked that you only need one per person for a serving.
What do Duck Eggs Taste Like?
The taste will of course depend on what the ducks are fed, just like chickens, so sourcing out a reputable producer is key, I don’t think I would purchase them from a store.They are supposed to be phenomenal in baking as well and rumour has it people who cannot eat chicken eggs are sometimes able to eat duck eggs since they differ so much.
These fried duck eggs along with that side bacon were a supper to remember!
How are my fellow Canadians handling their first day back to work after what was the best May Long Weekend in recent memory?
No snow for the first time in years, no rain until the Monday, beautiful sunshine, the skeeters weren’t bad at all…… wait a cotton pickin’ minute.
Perhaps the world DID end after all and we just didn’t notice?
Love and hugs for those suffering from too much imbibing this merry past weekend,
Kitchen Magpie
How to Cook Duck Eggs
- 4 duck eggs
- 2 tablespoons butter
- In a large frying pan, melt the butter over medium-high heat.
- Crack the duck eggs into the pan. Cook like you would chicken eggs, frying the bottoms up. If wanted, steam them by adding 2 tablespoons of water to the pan and placing a lid on top. I find that this cooks the top of the eggs without having to actually flip them over, thus you won’t break the yolk.
- Steam the eggs until the tops are white colored but the yolk is still wobbly enough to dip toast in. Alternately you can cook them until well done if you don’t like yolky eggs.
- IF you want to scramble them, melt the butter then add in the cracked duck eggs. Mix and cook until done.
Kenneth M Williams says
Are duck eggs higher in cost compared to chicken eggs?
Ann Caffrey says
When i can i like to use duck eggs for baking, they make beautiful cakes as they are so rich, haven’t tried frying them,so thankyou for the tip of frying in butter. I must go and buy more eggs now.
Dave the Foodie in Parksville, BC. says
First time I ever heard of anyone allergic to broccoli! Wow. My neighbour has ducks & her old man is allergic so she beats them & freezes them. After a few months she dumps them on me, sometimes giving me fresh eggs. Being an old guy, single and concerned with the high level of cholesterol in duck eggs; I read, probably cuz of their size, I get too many to use up so they pile up in my freezer. I find they are so thick, to be used, they need to be thinned with milk. They do have a distinctive flavour, but I use them in the same things I’d use chicken eggs in. I’m now starring at a thawed jar containing 3 eggs on my counter, thinking bout breakfast. It is about 3/4 cup. It is way too thick so I’ll add milk & get about 1 1/4 cup of goo. I’m thinking, sautéd vegetables, MC Cains potato pieces from the freezer, cheese, bit of Bisquick or French bread chunks mixed then poured into an oven dish & baked until a toothpick comes out dry. But what seasoning? Hmm. Too much bacon lately, I have some thin, hot pepperoni in the freezer. That would be different, maybe with extra onion & ground up caraway seeds. Sounds like a dogs breakfast, eh? Hey, I’ve got some sauerkraut? Hah, ha! Wish me luck.
Teresa Rains says
If I want to cook a cake do I use same amount of duck eggs as chicken eggs?
CV says
Thanks for the info on frying duck eggs. I ‘m looking for baking recipes using duck eggs especially pastries as research says duck eggs are superior for. Thanks in advance. I have 2 Pekins & 4 Kahki ducks who have laid huge eggs. By the way, they are such sweet creatures & so fun to watch!
Hannah says
Yeah the duck egg is nice but must boiling for at least 15 minutes otherwise you put yourself and your family for the Salmonella!!!
Down Under cook says
I agree with Rossellini! Your post Karlynn is a JOY to read! SO FUNNY so informative. I was looking for info on how to cook duck eggs which I was gifted but I needed to to know how to cook them as my hubby & I love eggs for breakfast. All I know is that they made my chocolate cake VERY moreish( an Aussie term, self explanatory!)
Hope when your cook book is published that it will make it ‘down under’ to Australia.
Your site name Kitchen Magpie is what caught my attention as we are lucky to have magpies in our garden. They have a beautiful warble & are very intelligent as they know how to fend for themselves AND how to ask for kitchen scraps, (they LOVE minced meat.)…..the ‘boss’ (probably the head female) just shows up at the back door, warbling or just waitingI kid-you-not!!!We provide water for them during the summer months. I could go on (& on..) but I won’t, only to say that your picture /drawing of the black white bird isn’t really a magpie. It’s close, but not a good magpie resemblance. Not important.
Anyway thanks for reading all of this & I look forward to being a regular reader of your site!!!
Rossellini says
I’m going to pick up my first dozen duck eggs tomorrow from a public market that is just down the street from us. The public market is open every Thursday. I’m also a vegetarian and I eat eggs for my protein over anything else. I’m anxious to buy some duck eggs and try them out. I feel better about eating them from reading how your kids like them, so knowing that they are kid tested and kid approved makes them sound very good! This was a nice post to read.
thekitchenmagpie says
_u*********@li******.com" profile_url="" ns="true">Rossellini I hope you like them!!
Karlynn Johnston says
They are our favorite treat for eggs! Lucky you that you have a friend who gifted them!
puffywaddler says
Thank you so much I was so nervous a friend gave us these eggs and im like”what animal is in the fridge!?” (because they are such big egs” but im sure they are delish:)
megsiegirl says
Thanks for this great post. We have two pet ducks and Jemima has just started laying. My son has been so keen to eat the eggs but I wasnt sure exactly how to cook them. We read your post together and he was even more excited to try scrambled duck eggs when after reading how much your own kids love them. He’s tucking into them now and I can hear the fork scraping up every last scrap.Thanks again. 🙂
Fran says
Thanks for the info on duck eggs. I have been curious and have wonderred about cooking, etc. Now I will try some… I love eggs!