
Float Like a Dragon…


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kid in orange shirt playing a frisbee

..sting like a Frisbee!

Get it? Har de har har, don’t quit your day job, Magpie.

Listen, it’s all I could come up with at the moment, it’s weak I know. But it was there and I just had to.

Speaking of Frisbee, it’s apparent my son did not inherit his moves from me.

That slick move right above would have landed me on my face somehow, with a broken bone thrown in for good measure. He has become quite the Frisbee champ and Mr Magpie spends hours playing with him when the weather allows. Which hasn’t been that often lately.

But the thought of good weather reminds me that oh my, it’s time for school to be out, my friends, it’s most definitely time. I think that summer vacation is mostly for the parents, because I am at the end of my driving to school rope, there’s a straw somewhere that involves a camel’s back and let’s blow this popsicle stand until September seems to fit the way I feel.

We played hooky yesterday from school and it took every ounce of my being not to pull Mr K out for the afternoon today and disappear for the weekend.

And just play Frisbee till our arms fell off. Oh wait, that would be Frisbee in the rain this weekend, correct?

kid in orange shirt playing catching the frisbee

I swear I am one of a handful of parents I know who simply cannot wait for summer vacation with the kids.  I love summers with my kids, I really truly do. We get together with friends that go to other schools that we see only briefly during the school year, we live at splashparks, we travel a lot and generally I love every minute of it.

Excepting perhaps that last week when I am ready to knock their skulls together and send them to school where they are split up from one another.  That week usually involves a lot of time outs, chocolate for me and grinding of teeth while muttering about Year Round School.

I put that in capital letters because it’s a threat I like to throw around this house. Year. Round. School.

kid in orange shirt throwing a frisbee

But this year I am looking forward to it even more, my girlie is going into Grade one this fall and I am incredibly anxious to have all this time with both of them together for two months.

I am already an emotional wreck about my baby going into Grade one. I really didn’t think I was going to be, I am excited about having so much more time to tackle projects I have swirling around my brain, to have all that time to unpack since it’s going to likely coincide right with us moving into the new house and not having to drive to the school 3 times a day.

But she’s my little afternoon pal.

She’s kept me company while her brother went to Grade one and now through Grade two.

And then she’s leaving me.

She has told me that she is just “cancelling school” next year because she doesn’t want to go all day as well.

But danged if I can convince either one to homeschool either!  You think I can talk them into it? Newp. Their school is simply far too fun and they love their friends and poor old mom just can’t compete with art and music and drama and playground pals.

My son told me that he wants to homeschool, but I have to drive him to school for art, photography, computers, recess and music class.


I just want to keep them at home. I just don’t want them to be this growed up. I would like to return to when they were wee ones except I would like them to sleep through the night and skip the temper tantrums.

Oh, you think this is bad now? You most likely should just stop reading my blog around, oh, August 31st. Just come back in October when I am over it.

little girl enjoying the swing

Happy Friday everyone!

Love from within the beginning throes of my school induced daytime empty nest syndrome,


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Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky

A Modern Bakerā€™s Guide to Old-Fashioned Desserts

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Mindy Tindall says

    Aw, love. It’ll be okay. Just think of all the time you’ll have to yourself in your brand new house. I’m sure you’ll appreciate once the initial shock wears off. Here’s to a great summer full of awesome food, festivals, and fun!


  2. Mindy Tindall says

    Aw, love. It’ll be okay. Just think of all the time you’ll have to yourself in your brand new house. I’m sure you’ll appreciate once the initial shock wears off. Here’s to a great summer full of awesome food, festivals, and fun!


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