I am, my friends, an absolute abysmal failure at meal planning. One would think that a person who cooks and bakes so darn much would be excellent at meal planning.
Newp. Not in the slightest.
I finally figured that the reason that I am absolutely horrible at meal planning is that I am an extremely creative cook. I cook what intrigues me at the moment, according to my mood, my cravings or that sudden bolt of inspiration that hits me at any given moment.
That’s what happened with my Crockpot Tikka Masala Pasta recipe. I had something completely different planned for supper and then all of a sudden, while standing in my pantry I saw a combination of ingredients on my shelf and just had to make it. NOW.
This happens more times that I care to admit and to be honest, it drives me a little crazy, but that’s how I am.
The flip side of meal planning means that sometimes the road to good meal planning is paved with fast meals. I have to have quick and easy meals on hand, and by now I am sure that you all know how much I love the Patak’s sauces, thus why I signed up to write about them for the next year.
Christmas is a crazy, creative, insane time of year for any food blogger and sometimes we are SO busy concentrating on goodies and sweets that we simply haven’t even thought of making supper.
That’s where a can of chickpeas, korma/tikka masala sauce and rice comes in to play for my sanity.
I always have these ingredients in the pantry. Always.
This is my fast, feed my family a healthier option food.
My daughter eats the chick peas plain with rice and the rest of us eat the chickpeas simmered in the sauce over rice.
So while I may not menu plan, my friends I most certainly pantry plan.
Pantry planning means that you always have certain meals on hand for those times when your menu plan has let you down. Chickpeas and korma sauce. Spaghetti noodles and sauce. Soup and grilled cheese. These are the staples of a busy mom.
If my pantry is stocked with those kind of staples, then my lack of meal planning is made up for. We stay sane.We eat healthier food that takes very little time to make.
The jars of sauces and my cans of chickpeas were most certainly depleted in the busy month of December.
What are your pantry tricks? What keeps you sane?
hcush says
Made this tonight with korma sauce… hubby and I loved it. Enough left for my lunch tomorrow too. š
thekitchenmagpie says
_u*********@li******.com" profile_url="https://www.livefyre.com/profile/29313793/" ns="true">hcush Oh good! It is really so easy and healthy as well!
Pamela Marriott says
Might try that out when randy on days amd eating by myself. Thanks
The Kitchen Magpie says
Pamela it’s just a can of sauce, can of chickpeas and rice. It’s not a recipe, more just a pull something from your pantry.
Nancy Friesen says
Pantry planning!!! Yay! Cuz I suck at meal planning too! Great idea!!
Pamela Marriott says
Blonde moment. Can’t see the recipe for chickpea curry recipe. ..